Faraday - Trainline Lithium

WIN Metals declared a maiden resource for the Faraday lithium deposit in March 2023 just six months from discovery of rock chip sampling.

Faraday – Trainline is in the “lithium corridor” between Mt Marion to the north and Pioneer Dome to the south.

In November 2023 the Faraday-Trainline  lithium Mineral Resource Estimate (MRE) was upgraded to 1.96Mt @ 0.69% Li2O (0.30% Li2O cut-off) including a high-grade, near surface zone of 373kt @ 1% Li2O (0.85% Li2O cut-off).

The Measured and Indicated Mineral Resources total 1.57Mt @ 0.71% Li2O.

Mineralisation at the project remains open at depth with the model only defined to a vertical depth of 130m.

Initial mineralogy completed on select samples indicates that spodumene is the dominant lithium-bearing mineral present and flowsheet development testwork has achieved 81.0% lithium recovery to a 6.3% Li2O floatation concentrate.

With all mining approvals granted, Faraday- Trainline is a potential low-cost mining operation with minimal strip ratio due to shallow outcropping resource with significant exploration upside potential.

Faraday and Trainline Drill Density (red drill collars) with MRE block model

Faraday and Trainline Drill Density (red drill collars) with MRE block model