
Andrew Parker 


Mr Parker holds a Bachelor of Laws (LLB) degree from the University of Western Australia and has significant experience in the exploration and mining industry and a wealth of expertise in corporate advisory, strategic consultancy and capital raisings.

Mr Parker previously held various senior management roles, such as Director of Stadia Capital (AFSL#342716) and co-founder of Trident Capital Pty Ltd (AFSL#292674), a corporate advisory and venture capital firm where he held the position of Managing Director until 2008. In both instances Mr Parker was the Responsible Manager under the relevant AFSL.

He has also held senior legal roles, such as General Counsel of previously ASX listed B Digital Ltd, Senior Associate of Price Sierakowski and Senior Associate of Summers Partners.

Mr Parker has held board positions with a number of ASX listed companies and is currently a Non-Executive Director of Boab Metals Limited (ASX:BML).

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Steve Norregaard 

Managing Director & Chief Executive Officer

Steve Norregaard has a successful track record in heading the development of base and precious metals mining projects, including nickel projects, encompassing the early exploration stage through to ensuring sustained commercial production. Mr Norregaard is an experienced resources industry executive, company director, and mining engineer by background with over 25 years of experience. Former roles include MD of ASX listed RED 5 Limited and Tectonic Resources Ltd, Director of Operations with Westgold Resources Ltd and Chief Operating Officer of TSX listed Trelawney Mining and Exploration. Mr Norregaard most recently led Minterra, the specialised underground mining division of ASX-listed Westgold Resources, and he is a member of the Australian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy.

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Scott Perry 

Independent Non-Executive Director

Mr Perry has a Bachelor of Engineering from the Western Australian School of Mines and more than 25 years’ experience in commercial, mining, and process engineering roles. This includes over 10 years’ experience with BHP Nickel West Pty Ltd.

Mr Perry is currently the Director of Process Engineering Australia Pty Ltd, an engineering, commercial and marketing consulting business focused in the mining, industrial chemicals and agricultural sectors. He is also a board member of Pollinators Inc, a member-based social enterprise, which uses a mix of earned revenue and grant funding to achieve a social mission to grow innovative regional communities while remaining financially resilient.

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Felicity Repacholi 

Independent Non-Executive Director

Felicity Repacholi adds a strong geological background to the Board’s composition, with over 20 years of experience as a geologist, manager and consultant within the field of mineral exploration and resource development. Ms Repacholi also possesses directorship experience at ASX-listed resources companies, previously serving as the Founding Non-Executive Director of Whitestar Resources and as a Non-Executive then Executive Director of Indiana Resources Limited (ASX: IDA). Felicity is currently an Executive Director of Recharge Metals Limited (ASX: REC).

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Graeme Scott 

Chief Financial Officer & Company Secretary

Mr Scott has spent the last 16 years working as CFO in the resources sector and has specific expertise as a dual CFO and Company Secretary for both ASX and TSX listed companies. Most recently, Mr Scott was CFO and Company Secretary of ASX listed Peak Resources, playing a critical role in progressing the Company’s flagship project from the exploration stage to completion of definitive feasibility study. He is a fellow of the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (UK) and has worked in both Australia and the United Kingdom.

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Will Stewart 

Geology Manager

Will Stewart is a geologist with 20 years in exploration, project development and mining operations. Will has experience across multiple commodities, specialising in both sulphide and laterite nickel, gold, base metals and lithium throughout Western Australia.

Mr Stewart has held multiple leadership roles for ASX-listed companies serving as Geology Manager for Silver Lake Resources (ASX:SLR), IGO (ASX:IGO) and Geology Superintendent for Ardea Resources (ASX:ARL). Mr Stewart is a member of the Australian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy (AusIMM) and Australian institute of Geosciences (AIG). Mr Stewart is the Competent Person for Exploration and Mineral Resources at WIN Metals.

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